Episode 056 – Refilling Other Providers’ Prescriptions and My Take on the ANA!

Episode 056 – Refilling Other Providers’ Prescriptions and My Take on the ANA!

The NP Dude Podcast
The NP Dude Podcast
Episode 056 - Refilling Other Providers' Prescriptions and My Take on the ANA!

On this episode of the NP Dude podcast I answer an email and give my take on refilling prescriptions of other providers in my practice and give recommendations on how we handle it.  I also answer a question from a listener who consistently feeds me questions, show ideas, and issues affecting NPs.  In particular, he was wondering my take on the ANA’s position regarding the proposed Federal healthcare law.  So, a big thank you to Chris in North Carolina!  I encourage you all to be like Chris and send me comments to Jeff@TheNPDude.com or PM me on Facebook.  Don’t forget to like and share the show on Facebook and give me some ratings too!  Tell your friends to have listen on iTunes and have a great weekend!

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