Episode 099 – PA Incident to Billing and Should RN Experience be Mandatory for NP School?

Episode 099 – PA Incident to Billing and Should RN Experience be Mandatory for NP School?

The NP Dude Podcast
The NP Dude Podcast
Episode 099 - PA Incident to Billing and Should RN Experience be Mandatory for NP School?

On this episode of the NP Dude podcast I respond to a question I received about whether a physician assistant gets billed different than the NP and whether incident to billing applies.to them as well!  I also have been asked.to give my opinion on whether RN experience should be a requirement for admission to NP school.  Keep up the great work spreading the show by giving a rating on Facebook and iTunes and but liking and sharing as much as possible!  Don’t forget to go toTheNPDude.com and use the Amazon affiliate link!

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